
I’m Jeremy, a PhD student in the Algorithmic Decision Theory group at University of New South Wales, supervised by Haris Aziz. I’m broadly interested in topics at the intersection of microeconomic theory and algorithmics. My current research is primarily focused on designing algorithms with desirable individual and group representation guarantees for general voting problems.

Here is my CV (updated July 2024).

What’s new?

October 2024 Our paper “Proportionally Representative Clustering” has been accepted at WINE 2024.

May 2024 Our paper “Maximum Flow is Fair: A Network Flow Approach to Committee Voting” has been accepted at EC 2024.

December 2023 Our paper “Fair Lotteries for Participatory Budgeting” has been accepted at AAAI 2024.

August 2023 At IJCAI 2023, I will be giving a talk on “Best-of-Both-Worlds Fairness in Committee Voting” at the M-PREF workshop and participating in the doctoral consortium.

July 2023 I am visiting Ashish Goel at Stanford University’s Department of Management Science and Engineering.

March 2023 I’ve been invited to attend the Mathematics and Computer Science of Market and Mechanism Design summer graduate school at MSRI in June in Berkeley, California.

Working Papers

Neighborhood Stability in Assignments on Graphs
Haris Aziz, Grzegorz Lisowski, Mashbat Suzuki, Jeremy Vollen
[ Arxiv ] [ Under submission ]


Proportionally Representative Clustering
Haris Aziz, Sean Morata Chu, Barton Lee, Jeremy Vollen
[ Arxiv ] [Forthcoming WINE '24 ]

Maximum Flow is Fair: A Network Flow Approach to Committee Voting
Mashbat Suzuki and Jeremy Vollen
[ Arxiv ] [ EC '24 ]

Fair Lotteries for Participatory Budgeting
Haris Aziz, Xinhang Lu, Mashbat Suzuki, Jeremy Vollen, Toby Walsh
[ Arxiv ] [ AAAI '24 ]

Best-of-Both-Worlds Fairness in Committee Voting
Haris Aziz, Xinhang Lu, Mashbat Suzuki, Jeremy Vollen, Toby Walsh
[ Arxiv ] [ WINE '23 ]

Coordinating Monetary Contributions in Participatory Budgeting
Haris Aziz, Sujit Gujar, Manisha Padala, Mashbat Suzuki, Jeremy Vollen
[ Arxiv ] [ SAGT '23 ]

Misc. Research

Family Life in Lockdown
Pietro Biroli, Steven Bosworth, Marina Della Giusta, Amalia Di Girolamo, Sylvia Jaworska, Jeremy Vollen. (Frontiers in Psychology 2021)
[paper] [data and code] [slides]

The economic potential for energy storage in Nevada
Judy Chang, Ryan Hledik, John Imon Pedtke, Roger Lueken, Johannes Pfeifenberger, Jeremy Vollen. (2018)
